About Us

Here are a few facts about Biggin Wood Allotments

  • we’re the most northerly allotments in Croydon, on a sunny south-facing site just off Beulah Hill
  • with clay soil, which can be damp but is very fertile
  • we have only just over 100 plots, so the site isn’t impersonal
  • frequent deliveries of horse manure and woodchip, which are free to members to use on-site
  • we have a trading hut for supplies
  • We have an apiary (a place where hives of honeybees are kept)
  • We are members of CFAGS (Croydon Federation of Allotment and Gardening Societies) and NAS (National Allotment Society)we came first in the 2015 Croydon inter-allotments completion and third in 2016
  • we’re self-managed, i.e. run by our own committee, rather than with plots leased direct from the Council
  • the Society was set up in April 1921 and was the first in Croydon to lease a site from the Council. We moved to our current site in December 1939.

Public Documents

A detailed description of the site

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